Friday 18 April 2014

Hainanese Chicken Rice 海南鸡饭

This is my first time of cooking hainanese chicken rice all by my own. Previously, I learnt it from my father. Pardon me for the ugly display of the cut chicken as you can see from the photo as shown below.
Chicken Preparation
1 whole chicken about 1.4kg
4 + 2 stalk of spring onion
6 + 4 gloves of garlic
6 + 4 pieces of ginger
Sauce to pour over the chicken:-
Oyster sauce
Sesame oil
Light soy sauce
Chicken stock
  1. Stuffed the chicken with spring onion, ginger and garlic and then put into boiling water. Water must be able to cover the whole chicken.
  2. Bring to boil for about 30 min, turn over in 15 min. Make sure the chicken is cooked.
  3. Removed from boiling water and soaked in ice cold water.
  4. Deboned the chicken and garnish with sliced tomato..
  5. Pour the chicken sauce over the chicken and ready to serve.
Chicken Oily Rice 
  1. Stir fried the chicken fat, garlic, ginger and spring onion till fragrant.
  2. Add in the washed rice and mixed evenly.
  3. Add in the chicken stock and salt.
  4. Removed garlic, ginger and spring onion when serve.
Amount of chicken stock to add will depends on how many cups of rice and also on individual rice cooker.
Usually it is 1 cup rice : 2 cups water