Wednesday 22 October 2014

Stir Fried Thick Bee Hoon

Stir fried thick bee hoon

Thick bee hoon
French bean
Crab meat stick
Pork meatball
Minced garlic
Fish sauce
Belachan chilli sauce
Cooking oil

Heat oil over medium high heat and stir fried garlic then quickly add in the egg and stir fried the egg till 2/3 cooked.
Add in french bean, carrot, onion, crab meat stick and pork meatball. Add more oil to stir fried evenly for 2 - 3 min . Then lastly, add in the prawn.
Add in the thick bee hoon, fish sauce, belachan chilli sauce, sugar and stir fried evenly for 3 - 5 min.

Above is my estimation of cooking. As I anyhow cook one. So there is no measurements for the ingredients. But basically, that's my method of cooking this dish.