
I am not a professional cook. I am not good in cooking. I am not an expertise on food. Those dishes I cooked are cooked by feel, cooked with heart, cooked with love. It may not look delicious. It may not taste delicious. I just hope that the person who eat will warmed his/her heart, will feels the love in it and appreciated it.

Cooking is not a duty, you need heart to do, so that the food will taste good and delicious.

All my baking, roasting, grilling are done by EuropAce 5 in 1 Airfyer, as I do not have an oven at home. I have tried using it to airfry whole chicken, roasted pork, char siew, chicken kebab, cake, muffin etc.

Recently, my Hubby bought me a breadmaker, Kenwood BM250, so I have been making alot of loaf bread. I like to experiment different flavour with my loaf bread. Adding different kind of ingredients. 

All my cooking are estimation and on my own preference taste. The recipes given are only a guideline. You may adjust accordingly to your own liking.

Lastly, hope that you all enjoy browsing my blog and can get some cooking ideas.

Happy Browsing!! :D