Wednesday 22 October 2014

Fish Curry

Curry Fish with Roti Prata (NTUC brand)
Curry Fish

Fish meat or fish bone with meat attached
1 big potato (cut into small cube size)
1 big white onion (cut into big wedges)
1 big tomato (cut into small cube size)
3 tbsp curry powder
4 cloves garlic
4 small onion
4 candle nut
Curry leaves
Fish sauce
Fish stock cube

1. Marinated the fish with salt and pepper. Set aside.
2. Mixed curry powder with a little water. Set aside.
3. Blended the garlic, small onion and candle nut till a smooth paste. Set aside.
4. Heat oil, add curry leaves and the paste, saute over medium low heat for 2 - 3 minutes.
5. Add in the curry mixture and continue to saute for 4 - 5 minutes.
6. Add water to mixture and then add in potato, tomato, onion and let it boil for 2 -3 minutes.
7. Taste and add in seasoning according to your own liking.
8. Lastly add in the fish and let it boil till the fish is cooked. Do not stir the fish, it will break easily.
9. Slowly dish up the fish and ready to serve with rice or prata.