Wednesday 22 October 2014

Hakka Yong Tau Foo

Hakka Yong Tau Foo
Minced meat with grind salted fish powder, chinese chives and red chilli
Seasoning with sesame oil, sugar, light soy sauce, pepper & corn flour
Tau pok
Tomato & Mushroom
I used chilli sauce, oyster sauce, corn flour & water to make a sauce
and simmered the Yong Tau Foo for awhile.
This is teriyaki sauce with abit honey, water & corn flour,
simmered the Yong Tau foo for awhile and ready to served.

Why it is difference from normal Yong Tau Foo as there is no fish paste in the filling, only used minced meat.

You can used the fillings to filled any vegetables and also even ngoh hiang.

I have added grind salted fish powder, fresh red chilli and chinese chives. Remember to toast the salted fish till fragrant before grinding. Adding salted fish powder, enhanced the flavour and taste really nice.

Seasoning included salt, sugar, pepper, sesame oil and corn flour.

After mixing evenly all the ingredients and seasoning together, i will throw the meat off and onto a big bowl several time to let the meat more firm.

I steamed the Yong Tau Foo for five minutes over high heat in the microwave then used oil to pan fried the tau pok, mushroom & eggplant.

This can be kept in the fridge for later consume. Or you can even keep in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.

Just take it out to defrost awhile then prepare a sauce to simmer for awhile and ready to served hot.