Tuesday 22 April 2014

Ham & Cheese French Toast

French toast is one of my favourite breakfast dish. If it is cooked for my family, I will omitted the cheese and used luncheon meat instead of ham as they are not fancy of cheese and ham.  
6 pcs white bread
2 eggs
3 sliced ham
3 sliced cheese

1 teaspoon of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of light soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon of sesame oil
A dash of pepper

  1. Add seasoning to eggs and beat mix evenly.
  2. Put ham and cheese onto bread and cut into half of triangular shape.
  3. Coated bread with beaten eggs evenly.
  4. Greased cooking pan with oil (put some oil onto kitchen paper) and pan fried the bread on both side till golden brown and egg is cooked.
You may add sweet condense milk into the egg instead of sugar.