Tuesday 29 April 2014

Sambal Fried Rice with Bak Kwa

On a Saturday afternoon, I was scratching head on what to cook for lunch. When I saw the left over rice in the fridge, I was thinking of fried rice. So I started to search for ingredients to fried with the rice. Then I found there are a few sliced of Bak Kwa in the fridge (left over during CNY but still in edible condition).

What came across my mind was fried rice with Bak Kwa, Eggs, Shrimps and Sambal Chilli.

The result came out was out of my expectation!! Excellent taste and simply delicious!! The Bak Kwa was different from what I normally use Lap Cheong.

I will definitely cook this again if I can find Bak Kwa in my fridge again!! Haha!!

For those who can't take spicy, may omit the Sambal chilli. It will taste just as delicious!