Tuesday 29 April 2014

Curry Chicken Wings

This a my own style of simple curry that I am cooking. It doesn't have a complicated taste. Unlike those Indians or Malays curry which need to prepare a lot of spices. Hope that you like it.   
Serves 4 - 5
2kg chicken wings
Baba's curry powder (about 1/2 packet)
1 packet coconut milk (about 200gm)
6 - 7 medium red onion
7 - 8 medium potatoes
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon small onion, chopped finely
2 tomatoes, chopped finely
500ml water, or more if necessary
Oyster sauce
Sesame oil
Light soy sauce
Curry powder
1. Marinated the chicken wings for 30 min or more. Set aside.
2. Mixed curry powder with water and set aside.
3. Heat a few tablespoon of oil and saute small onion and garlic till fragrant.
4. Add tomato and continue saute for 2 - 3 min.
5. Add in curry mixture and continue saute for 4 - 5 min over medium low heat. Add water gradually, not to get the bottom burnt.
6. Add more water and add in potatoes to boil in low heat for about 7 - 10 min. Drain up the potatoes when about 3/4 cooked.
7. Add in chicken wings and simmered for about 10 min.
8. Add in onion, the 3/4 cooked potatoes and coconut milk and bring to boil for about 5 min.
9. Off heat and leave it for 10 min before dish up.
I add tomato in the curry to tone down the spicy taste. 


Heat a few tablespoon of oil and saute small onion and garlic till fragrant.

Add in tomato and continue saute for 2 -3 min
Add in curry mixture and continue saute for 4 -5 min over medium low heat.
Add water gradually, not to get the bottom burnt.
 Add more water and add in potatoes to boil in low heat for about 7 - 10 min.
Drain up the potatoes when about 3/4 cooked.
Add in chicken wings and simmered for about 10 min.
 Add in onion, the 3/4 cooked potatoes and coconut milk and bring to boil for about 5 min.
Off heat and leave it for 10 min before dish up.

Sambal Fried Rice with Bak Kwa

On a Saturday afternoon, I was scratching head on what to cook for lunch. When I saw the left over rice in the fridge, I was thinking of fried rice. So I started to search for ingredients to fried with the rice. Then I found there are a few sliced of Bak Kwa in the fridge (left over during CNY but still in edible condition).

What came across my mind was fried rice with Bak Kwa, Eggs, Shrimps and Sambal Chilli.

The result came out was out of my expectation!! Excellent taste and simply delicious!! The Bak Kwa was different from what I normally use Lap Cheong.

I will definitely cook this again if I can find Bak Kwa in my fridge again!! Haha!!

For those who can't take spicy, may omit the Sambal chilli. It will taste just as delicious!

Monday 28 April 2014

Stir Fried Sting Ray

Usually most people like to eat barbecued sting ray with sambal chilli.
But my parents like it stir fried with salted vegetables and tomato which is very appetizing and the gravy goes well with plain white rice.

Sting ray
Salted vegetables
Fresh chilli
Minced garlic

1. Marinated the sting ray with salt, pepper and corn flour for 30 min or more.
2. Heat oil and stir fried minced garlic, ginger, salted vegetables, tomato and fresh chilli for 2 - 3 min.
3. Add in sting ray, stir fried evenly, add water, seasoning and simmered over medium low heat for about 10 - 15 min, or till the sting ray is cooked.
4. Dish up and serve hot with plain white rice.

Airfried Prata Sausage Roll

Thawed frozen prata and spread some tomato/pasta sauce and mayonnaise then roll the chicken sausage with the thawed prata.
Airfried 180 degree for 20 min. Flip over at 10 min. Or cooked till prata become crispy and browned.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Airfried Char Siew (Improved version)

My 2nd trial of airfried char siew using pork belly!! Improved version!!

My whole family liked it and said that no need to buy from outside liao!! Their comments really made my day and I am so happy!! :D

This time, I used honey instead of sugar to marinate the meat. On the first time when I made char siew, I used the shoulder cut which is too lean so this time I used pork belly instead.

The recipe given is a guideline. You may adjust accordingly to your preference.

4 strip pork belly without skin about 700gm

3 tablespoon oyster sauce
4 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon hua tiao jiu
1/2 tablespoon dark soy sauce
1 teaspoon pepper

  1. Marinated the meat overnight in the fridge with the above ingredients.
  2. Airfried the meat for 45 - 60 min at 195 degree.  
  1. Brush the remaining sauce over the meat at every 15 min interval and turn over the meat at 30 min.
  2. If you want the meat to have more shiny look, brush honey on the meat during airfrying.
  3. The time and temperature may vary. Check to see how brown you like.
  4. You can boil the dripped meat sauce with alittle water and corn starch. This will be char siew gravy to accompany with plain rice.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Airfried Pork Lard

The skin is so crackling and crispy!!
Sinful look but not oily at all as the fat has been burn out!! It is like eating the skin's of roasted pork.

Cut the pig's skin into tiny pieces and put into a stainless stain container.
Airfried for 30 min over 195 degree. 

Green Bean Barley Winter Melon Sweet Soup 绿豆意米冬瓜甜汤

My mum will always boiled this sweet soup for us when we eat too much heaty food. But normally she will not add winter melon. I like to add winter melon as I like the texture.

Green beans
Winter melon
Rock sugar

1. Soak and wash the green beans and barley for at least an hour.
2. Cut the winter melon into small bite size.
3. Bring to boil a pot of water, add in all ingredients except for the rock sugar and boil over low heat for about an hour or till the green beans and barley soften.
4. Add rock sugar to taste.
5. Serve hot or cold to your preference.

Dong Cai Tang Hoon Fishball Soup 冬菜粉丝鱼圆汤

Another quick and easy dish which get it done in 30 min.

Dong Cai
Tang Hoon
Chicken stock cube
Salt to taste
1. Soak the tang hoon and wash the dong cai thoroughly.
2. Bring to boil a pot of water, add in washed dong cai, chicken stock cube and let it boil for about 10 min.
3. Add tang hoon and fishball and boil for another 5 min.
4. Ready to serve it hot.

Steamed Tofu

This is a more healthy and yet delicious dish. Quick and easy dish.

Light soy sauce
Oyster sauce
Sesame oil

Spring onion

1. Cut the tofu into large pieces and set aside.
2. Pour a mixture of light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil and a little water.
3. Place the tofu onto the mixture and put the wolfberry.onto the tofu.
4. Put to steamer or microwave for 5 min.
5. Ready to serve hot.

Honey Chicken Wings

Our childhood favourite dish.
1. Deep fried the chicken wings and set aside.
2. Heat oil and bring sugar to boil and add light soy sauce and then toss the chicken wings with the sauce.
3. Ready to serve.

Lotus Root Soup 莲藕花生汤

This is our all time favourite soup of my family. We will always can't get enough of it, no matter how big pot we boiled.

Friday 25 April 2014

Nasi Lemak

All the condiments are prepared by airfried except for the fishes and egg omelette.
Coconut Milk Rice:-
3 cup rice
200ml coconut milk (I used packet coconut milk)
3 cup water
1 tsp salt
2 pandan leaves (tied knot)
Directions:- Mixed all together in a rice cooker and press cook.

Fried Instant Noodles

Late night, hubby said that he is hungry, so I go kitchen and see what I can cook for him. I saw the instant noodles and decided to fried instant noodles with oyster sauce, fried beaten egg and sprinkled some fried shallots. Something quick and easy! Luckily, hubby said yummy after eaten!

Stir Fried Pork Belly in Dark Soy Sauce

Using one piece of pork belly to boiled lotus root soup, (because my family want to drink soup and there was only pork belly in the fridge so just used it) thinking of cutting into pieces and dip it with dark soy sauce but find it abit too bland. So decided to make our childhood favourite dish. 
I cut the cooked pork belly into pieces and stir fried it with garlic, dark soy sauce, sugar and alittle water. We like this dish abit sweet so we add abit more sugar. This become another delicious dish whereby all finished after served.

Airfried Prata Pizza in a Cup

An excellent snack for tea break or breakfast!!
Frozen Prata
Tuna Mayo (any type of your choice)
Chicken Sausage (sliced)
Cherry Tomatoes (sliced)
Tomato sauce or Pasta sauce
Cheese (any type of your choice)
Muffin baking tray

1. Defrost the Prata and shape it into cup.
2. Spread some tomato sauce onto the prata.
3. Put in cherry tomato, tuna, cheese, chicken sausage, cherry tomato, mayonnaise and then lastly cheese.
4. Airfried for 30 min over 180 degree or till the prata turn crispy and browned.

1. For those who don't like cheese, can omit the cheese and put mayonnaise only. It taste just as great.
2. 2 pieces frozen prata can make 3 prata pizza cup.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Braised Soy Sauce Chicken Whole Leg

Quite long time no cook this dish, but still as tasty and delicious... haha.... normally recipe for braise soy sauce chicken or pork will put five spice powder, cloves, cinnamon, etc... but because my family are not fancy of that smell so I just used the simple and basic ingredients to cook it.  The recipe below is only for guideline. You may adjust accordingly to your own liking. Ingredients:-
4 pcs chicken whole leg
6 sliced ginger
6 cloved garlic (smashed and slightly chopped)
6 fresh chillies (deseed)
3 tablespoon dark soy sauce
2 tablespoon light soy sauce
3 tablespoon brown sugar or 1 small rock sugar (I used brown sugar)
Corn starch
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
  1. Marinated the chicken for at least 30 min or more.
  2. Heat oil and stir fried the ginger, garlic and fresh chillies till fragrant.
  3. Browned both side of the chicken.
  4. Add in dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, brown/rock sugar and water (water must be cover the chicken)
  5. Let it simmer over low heat for about 10 to 20 min or till cooked.
  6. Take out the chicken and thicken the sauce with corn starch.
  7. Coated the chicken with the thicken sauce and ready to serve.
  1. During simmering, taste the gravy flavour, add dark soy sauce/light soy sauce or brown/rock sugar accordingly to your liking.
  2. Do not over heat and dried up the gravy, do checking during simmering.

Ham & Cheese French Toast

French toast is one of my favourite breakfast dish. If it is cooked for my family, I will omitted the cheese and used luncheon meat instead of ham as they are not fancy of cheese and ham.  
6 pcs white bread
2 eggs
3 sliced ham
3 sliced cheese

1 teaspoon of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of light soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon of sesame oil
A dash of pepper

  1. Add seasoning to eggs and beat mix evenly.
  2. Put ham and cheese onto bread and cut into half of triangular shape.
  3. Coated bread with beaten eggs evenly.
  4. Greased cooking pan with oil (put some oil onto kitchen paper) and pan fried the bread on both side till golden brown and egg is cooked.
You may add sweet condense milk into the egg instead of sugar.

Ginkgo, Bean Curb, Barley & Winter Melon Sweet Soup

Airfried Minced Garlic Oil

This garlic oil smell so fragrant!! Drop a few drip of garlic oil to your chee cheong fun, dry mee, pasta, etc..... it will enhanced the flavour!!

I minced a packet of garlic with my food processor (as shown in below photo) and scoop a few tablespoon to airfry. The remaining can be keep in fridge for more than 2 weeks in an air tight container for later cooking.

I put oil in a stainless steel deep pan (estimated oil which able to cover the minced garlic) preheat oil in the airfryer for about 10 min.
Put in minced garlic and airfried for another 20 min or till turn golden brown. Must stir the minced garlic a few time during airfried.
Removed from airfryer when it turn slight golden brown as it will continue to cook and turn darker colour there after.
Keep it in an airtight bottle (no need to fridge) and can be keep for at least 2 weeks or more. Usually in less than 2 weeks, it will be finished.