Wednesday 18 June 2014

榨菜炒肉丝 Stir fried preserved veg with shredded meat

Normally my family like to use the preserved veg to cook porridge or boil soup. This is my first attempt to cook this dish and it turn out to be good!

Shredded meat (I used pork lean meat)
Shredded preserved veg (榨菜)
Shredded red fresh chilli
Cooking oil

Cooking oil
Light soy sauce
Cooking wine
Corn flour

1. Heat oil and stir fried red fresh chilli awhile then add in shredded meat and stir fried over medium heat for 5 - 8 min.
2. Lastly add in the preserved veg and stir fried evenly for 1 - 2 min. In the mean while, add in a little light soy sauce for taste.
3. Serve hot with steamed rice or plain porridge.

Marinated the meat for at least half an hour.
Wash the preserved veg thoroughly and soaked in water for at least half an hour after cut.
Do not over soaked if not the preserved veg will be too bland. 
Bite a tiny bit to taste if you are not sure whether it is too salty or not.