Sunday 18 May 2014

Homemade Bread crumbs, Ikan bilis powder and Dried shrimp powder

There are some leftover bread in the fridge so
decided to grind it in the food processor.
Ikan Bilis Powder
Washed the ikan bilis and drain it dry and
airfried for 10 - 20 min or till dried and crispy.
Then grind it till fine and powdery in food processor.
Keep in air tight container.
Dried shrimp powder
Washed the dried shrimp and drain it dry and
airfried for 10 - 20 min or till dried and crispy.
Then grind it till fine and powdery in food processor.
Keep in air tight container.
Ikan Bilis Powder and Dried Shrimp Powder
is good to use cooking soup or porridge. 

Seafood Pizza using wrap as base

Hubby said very delicious and love it alot!!  :)

Wholemeal wrap
Pasta sauce
Green/Red/Yellow bell pepper
Mini tomato
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
Crab meat stick
Tuna mayonnaise

Spread a thin layer of pasta sauce and mayonnaise over the wrap and then spread a layer of mozzarella and parmesan cheese over. 
Lay the green/red/yellow bell pepper, tuna mayonnaise, crab meat stick and shrimps over and then a layer of mozzarella and parmesan cheese over and then mini tomato and end with some mayonnaise on top.
Airfried @ 180 degree for 30 mins or till the shrimps are cooked and the cheese are browned. 

Baked Rice using Airfryer

Sunday 4 May 2014

Braised Tau Kee

This is my mama's favourite dish. She like food made of bean curd and me too also.

Bean curd stick, cut into 2 inches long
Pork meat (pork belly or lean pork), cut into thin sliced or strip
Garlic, minced
Dark soy sauce
Light soy sauce
Sesame oil
Cooking oil
Corn flour

Five spice powder
Dark soy sauce
Light soy sauce

1. Marinated the meat for 10 - 20 min. Set aside.
2. Heat oil and stir fried the meat for 2 - 3 min. Dish up and set aside.
3. Saute garlic till fragrant using the same wok.
4. Add in bean curd stick and stir fried evenly.
5. Add seasoning moderately and simmered for 20 - 30 min.
6. Add back the meat and stir fried evenly.
7. Off heat and leave it for 10 min before dish up.
8. Served hot with plain white rice or plain porridge.

Friday 2 May 2014

Fried Dried Radish and Garlic Fish

I have tried to replica this dried radish and garlic fish after seen it on TV cooking show, and surprisingly taste not bad. Below is my guideline of recipe.
Fish (any type of fish you like)
Dried radish (washed and drained)
Garlic, minced finely
Spring onion
Chilli padi
Corn flour
Cooking oil
1. Marinated the fish with salt and pepper for 10 - 20 min. Set aside.

2. Coat fish lightly with corn flour and deep dried till cooked and turn golden brown. Set aside.
3. Heat oil and saute the garlic over low heat till golden brown and dish up. Set aside. (be careful not to burnt the garlic, the garlic will taste bitter if burnt)
4. Remain the oil in the wok, still on low heat, add dried radish and stir fried till fragrant and shrink half the size. Dish up and set aside. 
5. Heat about 1 tablespoon of oil (use the fried radish oil), add chilli padi and spring onion, saute for awhile, add in the radish and garlic and continue stir fried evenly. Add sugar to taste.
6. Pour the radish and garlic mixture over the fish and ready to serve.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Assam Curry Fish Head

When I am scratching head what to cook for today's dinner, I saw the fish head in the fridge and a pot of leftover curry chicken gravy. Eggplant and lady finger in the vegetables compartment. Assam Curry Fish Head cross my mind!!

I added assam juice, coconut milk, etc... to enhance the flavour!! Whole family like the curry sauce! The recipe given is the basic ingredients for the assam curry. Sorry that I can't give an actual measurement, as all ingredients are added according to taste.

Ingredients for the Assam curry gravy:-
Baba's curry powder
Coconut milk or fresh milk
Minced garlic
Small onion, chopped finely
Assam juice
Fish sauce
1. Mixed curry powder with water and set aside.
2. Extracted the juice from the assam fruit and set aside
3. Heat a few tablespoon of oil and saute small onion and garlic till fragrant.
4. Add in curry mixture and continue saute for 4 - 5 min over medium low heat.
5. Add the assam juice and water gradually, not to get the bottom burnt. Let it boil for 2 - 3 min over low heat. (if you like it to be more sour, you can add more assam juice)
6. Lastly add coconut milk to boil over low heat for 1 min.
7. Add fish sauce, salt and sugar to taste.
Preparation of fish head and vegetables:-
Fish head
Lady finger
Fresh chilli
Bean curd
Fish sauce
1. Marinated the fish head for 10 - 20 min.
2. Oil fried the eggplant, lady finger and fresh chilli for awhile and drained oil and set aside.
3. Oil fried the fish head till cooked. 
4. Blanched potato till cooked and soften.
5. Add fish head to assam curry sauce and bring to boil for 1 min. Drained and put into serving deep plate.
6. Add eggplant, lady finger, fresh chilli, potato, tomato and bean curb to assam curry sauce and bring to boil for about 2 min.
7. Add more seasoning, if necessary.
8. Dish up and serve hot with plain white rice.