Saturday 21 April 2012

Hakka Abacus 客家算盘子

This is always our all time favourite dish which we would have this during Chinese new year. As eating this represent you will have a lot of money to count for the whole year.

Steamed Yam till soft
Smashed the Yam

Smashed the Yam till smooth and add some salt
Add in corn flour
Add in corn flour and knead evenly
Add in corn flour and knead evenly
Add in corn flour and knead evenly till not sticky
Add in corn flour and knead evenly till not sticky
Knead into a dough
Knead into a dough

Make portion into small pieces
Roll into small ball and use one finger and press in the middle

Stir fried Dried shrimp, Garlic, Mushroom (Diced)
Add in Tofu
Add in Black Fugus
Add in Minced Meat
Stir fried all ingredients and add in oyster sauce, pepper, sugar and water and simmer 

Boiled water, add in oil and salt and cooked the abacus
Cooked till the abacus floated on the surface 
Drained it and moved to tap water
Add to the ingredients previously cooked
Stir Fried and add some water to simmer till the Abacus absorbed the water
I'm sorry that I can't give an actual measurement of the ingredients as all are estimated.

Part (1)
Ingredients for making the abacus:-
Corn flour
Salt to taste

  1. Peeled and cut the yam into evenly cube size and steamed till soft.
  2. Smashed the yam evenly and let it cooled awhile.
  3. Clean up a place for kneading the yam into dough.
  4. Knead yam with corn flour and add salt moderately till not sticky. (please refer to above pic)
  5. Cut into even size and make into a small ball, press flat and then use finger slightly press in the middle. (please refer to above pic)
  6. Add oil and salt in boiling water, cook abacus till it float onto surface, drained it and move to tap water. 
  7. Set aside the cooked abacus.
  1. Cooked abacus can be keep in the fridge cooling compartment for a week in airtight container.
  2. Take out from fridge half an hour before cooking to defreeze.
Part (2)
Ingredients for frying with the abacus:-
Minced meat
Mushroom (diced)
Dried shrimp (diced)
Tofu (diced)
Black fugus (diced)
Minced garlic

Oyster sauce

Spring onion
Fried shallot

  1. Heat oil and stir fried dried shrimp, minced garlic and mushroom till fragrant about 3 min.
  2. Add in the tofu, black fungus and then minced meat and stir fried evenly.
  3. Add seasoning and simmer for 5 min or till the water absorbed.
  4. Stir fried evenly the cooked abacus Part (1) into all ingredients and add water to simmer about 5 - 8 min or till abacus absorbed the gravy.
  5. Dish up and garnish with spring onion and fried shallot. Ready to serve.

Pig's Trotter in Black Vinegar 姜醋猪脚

This is a simplified recipe which is suitable for normal days consumption and not for confinement.

As this recipe, I didn't use sesame oil. Sesame oil usually will increase the heatiness of the food which is good for confinement.

2 pcs of whole pig's trotter cut into large pieces
1 bottle of black vinegar
1.5 bottle of water (using the empty bottle of black vinegar)
2 large whole pieces of ginger (peeled and cut into large pieces and slightly pounded)
3 to 4 tablespoons of brown sugar
  1. Blanched the pig's trotter for about 20 minutes. 
  2. Heat oil in a deep pot and stir fried the ginger for awhile.
  3. Add the black vinegar, water and brown sugar and bring to boil on low heat for 30 min.
  4. Lastly add in the pig's trotter and bring to boil on medium heat for 15 min and simmered on low heat for another 20 to 30 min or till cooked and soften.
It taste best overnight and no need to put in fridge.