Saturday 21 April 2012

Pig's Trotter in Black Vinegar 姜醋猪脚

This is a simplified recipe which is suitable for normal days consumption and not for confinement.

As this recipe, I didn't use sesame oil. Sesame oil usually will increase the heatiness of the food which is good for confinement.

2 pcs of whole pig's trotter cut into large pieces
1 bottle of black vinegar
1.5 bottle of water (using the empty bottle of black vinegar)
2 large whole pieces of ginger (peeled and cut into large pieces and slightly pounded)
3 to 4 tablespoons of brown sugar
  1. Blanched the pig's trotter for about 20 minutes. 
  2. Heat oil in a deep pot and stir fried the ginger for awhile.
  3. Add the black vinegar, water and brown sugar and bring to boil on low heat for 30 min.
  4. Lastly add in the pig's trotter and bring to boil on medium heat for 15 min and simmered on low heat for another 20 to 30 min or till cooked and soften.
It taste best overnight and no need to put in fridge.